31 May 2006

grange park

The park was almost deserted when we got there, save for the occassional couples strolling through the park, or some people taking a shortcut through the grass.

I ran on the playground with the reckless abandon of a toddler making a new discovery, flitting from the swings, to the slides and the seesaws. The sand slipped through my toes, and suddenly I was a child again. Out gurgled a laugh I had not experienced for the longest time -- a laugh that captured the essence of being happy as is, without knowing why, or how.

I closed my eyes and I was alone, just me on a swing and the vastness of the universe. I felt the warm breeze whisper on my face, and I strained to hear what the moon and the stars were trying to tell me.

But they were silent.

I wish I was a kid again, when I knew all the answers.

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